Our Story

In 2019, after a few pretty intense years, I wrote a letter to myself saying that this was the year that I tried to get myself off of autopilot. So I saved all of my money and I went to Paris…by myself. It was awesome.

While I was there, I met some amazing cheesemongers and sommeliers in a cheese cellar in the Marais. I got to try some incredible cheeses and wines and in that moment, I thought to myself, “I just want more of this.” Yes, I did mean the cheese. But mostly, I meant that experience. I wanted more of that feeling of exploration and joy and excitement.

I went back home to DC and decided my cheese journey had just begun. I found a cheese counter right down the street from my house and was working as a cheesemonger the next month. It was amazing.

After about a month there, my fridge was overflowing with cheese. I called my friends and said it was wine and cheese night. If they bring the wine, I’ll bring the cheese.

After looking through a few amazing Instagram accounts, I decided to put together a cheese platter. And while putting it together, I realized, “This is it! This is Paris.” And it was. I hadn’t felt that creatively fulfilled in a long time.

A few weeks later, I put together another cheeseboard. And then another. And then I went to the mountains and made more. And then Board & Table Co was born.

So thank you for being here, for continuing to fuel this amazing, creative, cheese-filled dream. I love sharing it with you.
